Group news

The fine initiatives of the RAGT Jardin et Maison stores !
26/03/2020 Jardin & maison, News
The RAGT group commited in CSR approach.
11/03/2020 Group
Discover RAGT Semences web series: "7 farmers asking a question to RAGT".
04/03/2020 Semences
Book on the 100 years of the RAGT Group
09/12/2019 Group
RAGT present at the ENSAT exhibition in Toulouse
04/12/2019 Group
Claude Tabel, New President of the French Union of Seed Growers
08/11/2019 Group
RAGT Semences-Ukraine, Partner of the Young Agronomist competition
08/11/2019 Semences
New seed breeding center for RAGT 2n
18/10/2019 Semences
The Centenary Challenges - Revisit the day of Sunday, October 6 in pictures.
09/10/2019 Group
1919 - 2019 Centenary Game
16/07/2019 Jardin & maison
1919 - 2019, RAGT celebrates its centenary this year and takes centre stage!
16/07/2019 Group
Pulses and Soybean
16/07/2019 Jardin & maison
Young Farmers : Agricultural Show
16/07/2019 Group
2024 CSR Clip
Non classé
A new RAGT research station in Annoeullin Inauguration of a new RAGT research station in Annoeullin, in the North of France during June 2021.
Spain: the future RAGT Semences plant is getting out of the ground The RAGT Semences Iberian subsidiary will soon be equipped with a brand